If you’re listening, let us know. We enjoy reading your comments!

Whenever we talk to potential advertisers, they always want to know how many listeners we have tuned in and some additional demographic information including age range, ethnic background, income range and # of people in the household. We currently don’t have the means to find this information out without your help.

We need for you to email us at:

[email protected] as soon as possible, letting us know that you are listening.

Please provide us with at least: your name, what area you are located in the Valley and make sure you state that you listen to Gospel 860AM. If you are an internet listener that is not located in Arizona, please let us know where you are listening from as well; city, state and country.

Other optional information that would be very useful is as follows:

When did you find out about Gospel 860AM?

How did you find out about Gospel 860AM?

How many days of the week do you listen to Gospel 860AM?

How many hours do you listen per day?

What time of the day do you listen?

How do you listen to us; i.e, via the radio, the internet or both?

How many people have you told about Gospel 860AM? (Make sure you pass it on; don’t keep it to yourself)

Are you male or female?

What is your ethnic background?

What is your age range; 1-12, 13-19, 20-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46 -55. 56-65, 66+

What is your household income range: 0-$10K, $11K-$20K, $21K-$30K, $31-$40K, $41K-$50K, $51K-$65K, $66K -$75K, $76K-$100K, $100k-$150K, $150K+

Tell us what you like about your new Gospel station and what we could do to improve it.

Provide us with your address, phone number and church home and pastor if you don’t mind.

I have a pretty large email box but I want to see if filled up, alright?

Thank you and God Bless

Louis Bland “Your Minister of Music”

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